Lady and the Tramp Cast of Characters

These character descriptions were taken out of my Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters, a very good book written by John Grant. I copied about three pages from the book to this homepage, so before using these descriptions - if you must use them - please tell me you're using them, and on which page they will be on. Also, it would be helpful if you could link to my main page if your using them.

Lady ~ The opening sequence in the movie, when Darling opens a hatbox to discover that the gift which Jim Dear has given her for Christmas is a puppy, Lady. The model for Lady was a cocker spaniel which belonged to the animator Hamilton Luske. Lady is a underlying character - loving, basiclly trusting, and good-spirited. Romantic, often terrified or confused as she may be, but there is also a deal of steele in there, as we discover during the end of the movie when Lady tells Tramp to go away and leave her, then calls him back to fight the rat.

Tramp ~ Tramp, the dog not so much from the other side of the rails as from sixty leagues beyond them, is a magnificent cartoon creation. As with Lady, his character is supurbly conveyed with his voice, supplied by Larry Roberts: it is the type of voice (and dialogue) that all the best Phillip Marlowes have. Tramp is also extremelly wily (tricky), a point no better proved than in the sequence where he convinces the Beaver at the zoo to bite off Lady's muzzle. An important point of the movie is that Tramp lives in consistant fear of execution in the dog-pound. After the movie was made, the animators 'gave' the model of Tramp to the Disney Land petting zoo, where it lived a very happy life.

Jock ~ Jock is depicted well not only verbally but visually. He is the epitome (the best example) of the Scottish Terrier in every sence. He it is who constantlly stops Trusty from repeating the saws on Trusty's old grandfather. Similarly, altough Jock is not particuarly fond (happy) about Tramp. During the movie, Jock gives out his real name: Heather Lad o' Glencarin. Presumably he answers to the name of Jock to please his owners - and Lady. Of all the dogs in the movie, Lady is the one most "bonded" to human beings, so it is fitting that she, too, should call the gritty terrier "Jock".

Trusty ~ Poor old Trusty, a bloodhound with a distinguished past, has lost his sence of smell - but nobody likes to tell him this, so he spends his life in happy oblivion (dreams), remembering the golden days when he and his grandfather, Old Reliable, used to stalk crimminals in the swamps. Trusty is generally a doleful character, yet a faithfull one. Like Jock, he reluctentlly offers his paw in marrage to Lady when she's in the pits of depression: it is the least he can offer to do for a friend. Trusty, again, like Jock is by no means a major character in the Disney canon, or even a major supporting one, but he is well rounded and completelly satisfying. He is an example of that great Disney quality: streangth of characterization all the way down the cast-list.

Si and Am ~ The two Siamese cats belonging to Aunt Sarah were both voiced by the great Peggy Lee. The cats have little by way of distinct characters. They are not so much mischevious as wantonly (wanting) destructive, going for the canary and then the goldfish with a blissful disreguard for any un-known consequences: the birdcage is upended and the goldfishes' bowl is knocked over. Lady tries to stop Si and Am's vandalism - especially when they head to the baby's nursery. But then, of corse, she falls foul of the fact that Aunt Sarah believes her cats are darling, innocent little angels. Have served their purpose in the plot - getting Lady into hot water - the two siamese cats vanish from the scene.

Peg ~ Is the old broken-down showgirl. Peg has that traditional heart of gold. When the other dogs look to be bullying the terrified Lady, it is Peg who steps in with a cry of "All right, all right, you guys. Lay off, will ya!" and she adds: "Oh, can'tcha see the poor kid's scared enough already?" She it is, along with Toughy, who gentley breaks it to Lady that dogs without liscenses are doomed: we watch as poor flea-ridden Nutsy is led away through "da one-way door" as Toughy puts it. Peg it also is who, as a dog who has been around and seen it all, explains to Lady about Tramp's exotic past and loose ways with females. It should be noted that she does this more as an older sister might offer words of wisdom to a younger sister than as gossip; she has clearly taken Lady, at least temporaraly, under her wing.

The Dogs in the Pound ~ When Lady arrives in the pound she finds a chrous of assorted dogs giving a moving rendition of "Home Sweet Home". The irony is obvious - these dogs are doomed and their final surrounding are grim. Four songsters (voiced, when singing, by the Mello Men) prove to be Toughy, an American mongrel; Boris, a Russian wolfhound; Pedro, a Mexican chihuahua; and Bull, and English bulldog.

Scamp ~ The litter of puppies produced by Lady and Tramp, contains three little angels who take after their mother, and, one little non-angel who defenetlly takes after his father. Frequentlly - especially in the shorts (cartoons) - Disney used the "naughty one" as a focus for humor and sympathy, and in Lady and the Tramp Scamp is cast in the role of "naughty one". Scamp's cameo part caught the attention of cinima audiences and Disney employees alike, and so Scamp, went on to have a long and still continuing career in the comics.

You might notice that not all of the cast is here. I just decided to put up the main characters.
